What is WEC?
The Week of Engineering Competition (WEC) is a week dedicated to students at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, also known as UPC Engineering Week. During the event, several activities are held, like workshops or engineering competitions, where participants test and develop their technical knowledge and personal skills to solve the challenges posed.
In addition, the WEC is a meeting point between companies and students. Throughout this week, companies can see participants performing during their activities and assess their skills, while students have the opportunity to get closer to the world of work and contact companies in their industry.
There will be trainings, carried out by students of the BEST organization. Trainers will teach us how we can improve our negotiation skills and talk about techniques for how to improve our project management skills.
This year marks the 13th edition of the WEC in a very difficult context. Nevertheless, we have continued to work to continue to offer students opportunities to develop personally and professionally in a safe and risk-free manner. For this reason, all activities will be conducted online and the engineering competition will be postponed until further notice.
The whole event is organized by UPC students members of the organization BEST (Board of European Students of Technology).