BEST Barcelona

BEST Barcelona

Who are we?

BEST Barcelona is a UPC student association integrated into the interntational association “Board of European Students of Technology” (BEST). Both were founded in 1989, thus becoming UPC one of the founding universities of BEST.

At a local level, BEST Barcelona is present in all UPC faculties, and you can find us in the offices of ETSEIB, Campus Nord and Terrassa.

What do we do?

BEST Barcelona organizes every year, as its main activity, a complementary training course, so that engineering students can apply for and be accepted to take part in. BEST also organizes other activities, such as local engineering competitions, and then collaborates with the national and european rounds.

On these competitions, students can become closer to companies with case studies and come out very enriched, in terms of formation and experience.

The biggest competition made by and for students!

The Week of Engineering Competition is a week full of activities and challenges devoted to UPC students

A unique experience for UPC students

Courses around 33 european countries to learn, travel and improve your english level and, moreover, meet people for less than 50€

Who are we?

Board and Committee

Javier Ríos

Javier Ríos

Pau Adan

Pau Adan


Grants Coordinator

Josep Rodríguez

Josep Rodríguez

Vice President for External Services
Wendi Vargas

Wendi Vargas

Vice President for Internal Services
Nicolau Solé

Nicolau Solé

Corporate Relations Coordinator
Núria Viñuela

Núria Viñuela

Public Relations, Marketing and Design Coordinator
Miquel Bars

Miquel Bars

Human Resources Coordinator

At UPC since 1989


Last update: Local General Assembly of May 2022.